2011-08-20 � Stupid and Deaf
Don't wish. Don't sell yourself out to some half-impossible dream. Don't set yourself up on a future that will suck you dry and never go the way you hope and lead to dissapointment after dissapointment. Don't pray for something impratical, not beg God for a man, do plead for a way to cheat the world, because you'll realize in the end that the world has cheated you instead.

Maybe what I'm saying is... don't go to college, spend all that time and money and effort, for a fine arts degree. And even more important? don't double that degree with an education one, because education is quickly becomeing another lost and broken dream in and of itself.

please don't waste every wish you make, on stars, clocks, pennys, clovers, daisys, dandilions, on a wish and dream that will forever be just that- a wish, a dream, a fantasy.

you'll only end up with a broken heart.

That's what I wish I could tell me.... Or rather, what I wish I could Listen too, take to heart, and find happiness elsewhere.

But I'm never going to hear me.
