2011-01-05 � Chase
Why do men chase women? I ask you, why do men chase women?�

I heard once that it was because when God made woman, he took a rib from man. And now the man searches for that woman, searches for his rib, his missing peice.�
It sounds romantic that way.�
I wish I could find the man who's rib I stole.�

I'll tell you why I chase men. It's because I love men. It's because I love the feeling of being liked, loved, of liking and loving back. �I think, maybe, God may have taken women's rib, too. And I think he holds our ribs hostage, (figurativly speaking, since we actually all have the same amount of ribs.) he keeps them until we find the right match, the right rib. And when we do, he gives us back our missing bones.�
Because then, he hopes, we won't need to look for them anymore.�


Quote of the day: "i want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'm going to piss of se�or"
