2010-07-04 � Reply
after you read yesterday's letter...

I sent it to him, on a whimn, terrified that it'd be to honest, as i've been too honest in the past. here's his reply:

(this is a response to each paragraph in turn)

we've already had this conversation i have already caused myself physical pain cause i miss you.

taking chances is what life is all about if i didn't take chances i wouldn't have even met you and learned that you can take your shorts off over your shorts over your pants.

same here

if you still have battle scars then i will beat whoever gave them to you. if your to weak for me then i will have to become the beams that hold you in place. Distance ain't nuffin but a number.

i agree.

it can if it wants the heart should listen.

i will have it. I'd be lost without you. Having you in my life is a reason to keep living. (don't worry i'm not going to kill myself) so ya i guess what i'm saying is i miss you A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i can't wait to talk to you tomorrow :) k sleep well
happy happy happy.

quote of the day: "He's going to lose the tractor race!"

Quote two: "Why are you in a fucking float if you wont throw candy? Bastard..."

happy independence day, everyone.
