2009-12-31 � New Year's Eve (Or, Blue Moon)
happy new year to a beautiful blue moon.

here were my wishes, since it is, well, New Year's eve. And a blue moon. so i figured i should get double the wish-ability.

1) I wished for someone to love.

2) I wished for a record deal.

3) I wished to finish Skipping Stone.

and that was about it. and i stood out in the snow in my socks, so i think that i deserve just those three small favors. right?

i even ate pickled herring. because that's supossed to bring good luck in the up-comming year.

then i bought fifteen songs and got to download two. the rest got lost somewhere in cyberspace. i am fucking pissed off. i emailed the customor help peole. wish me luck.

so... that's it.
Song i'm listening to: "Lucky One" ~Vertical Horizon.

Quote of the day: "See... cause this love thing... it's like an addiction. you're my nicitoine. and i'm in withdrawl."
PS: OH! i almost forgot! Zzach called me today. he asked how my christmas was and if i got everything i wanted and balh blah blah. then he asked me what i'm doing tomorow.

"Nothing" i responded.

"OH?" he asks, like this is some strange coincidence and he's run into me at a supermarket twenty years from now.

"Yep." i say, non comitadialy.

"Well, what about tomorow Afternoon?"

"Nothing." i say, rolling my eyes, knowing EXACTLY where this is going.

"What's playing at the movies right now?" he quizes Oh-so-causualy.

"I don't know." i say, crossing my arm over my chest, clutching the phone. "Avitar, i guess."

"Oh, no. anything but that."

i roll my eyes. i watched that movie last night. it was okay, besides the fact that none of the tribe of natives to the planet it takes place on wear any clothing, and that they are all blue cat-like people. "Well."

"Well, what do you want to see?"

i guessed this was as close as i was going to let it get. "Zzach?" i say "I don't really want to go on a date with you. i like you only as a friend, and i think that i'd be leading you on. and that's not fair to you. so i think that i'm going to go now."

(I felt dumb about the "only as a friend" line. that's bull shit cause i can't stand even being his friend.)

"Oh, But..." he starts

"Bye, Zzach." i say, and hang up the phone.
