2009-04-29 � Proud to be strong. i care not for locker conversations.
Mom�s pissed at me right now. A lot. All because we had this garlicy noodle toppings, called Crunchy Sauce last night. And it makes your breath smell really funny, and so I was brushing my teeth right before we went off to fencing practice, and mom comes in and tries to steal the sink, so I share. Then she starts saying how Crunchy Sauce gives you such bad breath, and I say �Yeah, I know. I think you guys made this for me before I went to the movies with Cody one time.� (Because I don�t care about him that way anymore, but it�s not like I�m going to pretend nothing ever happened between us, because quite a lot did. And I can still laugh at some of the stories he used to tell me.) And she replies �There only WAS one time.� In this scornful tone, as if to say that there really was nothing between Cody and I ever, save on crap movie that we sat through together. �Don�t be so mean,� I say, looking down at the sink. And she starts laughing, this hard, piercing, spiteful laughter, and I hate admitting this, but it made me wish for Cody. �You don�t have to be such a bitch about it.� I mutter. Suddenly she�s screaming at me, telling me to never call her that again, demanding a million apologies, (none of which she will accept) and she slammed the door of the bathroom into me, pointing her finger and shouting� I cant remember the words, but I can still see her face, twisted so. I can still feel the flecks of spit flying at me, and I can clearly feel the fear that clenched me.

She almost hit me, but I dodged.

Quote of the day: �He was like a puppy over her.� Oh, well, puppy-boys are disgusting.

Songs I�m Listening to as I type: �My Number� ~Tegan and Sara AND �All You Got� ~Tegan and Sara

Mood I�m in: victorious, proud, and scared.
