2009-04-28 � last letter
Look, Cody. You�re amazing. But that�s not all that�s important, is it? And there�s so much about me that you don�t know, so much that you never even cared enough to ask. I�m not always going to be here, sitting here; ready to be your second string.

And there�s something about you, Cody, that drives me crazy. But there�s something about ME that won�t let me get used. And if I have to choose between an amazing boy who treats me like trash half the time, or a great guy who will hold me, and love me, and NEVER take me for granted?

The great guy wins, at least until the amazing boy can treat me right. So I�m saying goodbye now, this is my last entry I�ll write to you, even though I know, silly boy, that, unless you fall in love with her, you�ll be coming back to me. And yeah, I�ll be your dear friend, and yes, I�ll always have this crazy throbbing in my heart for you, but I�m not going to let you twist me and warp me anymore. For now? I�ll whisper into your ear, and I�ll see you making eyes at me, and I�ll find a great guy. And when you can treat me like that great guy treats me, if I don�t fall for him first, if I�m sitting here alone on a Saturday night? You can try to win me back. But I�m not making promises.

Because when I see you with her, you don�t look amazing anymore. You look like less of a person. I don�t know how this will be interpreted, but the truth? Is that She makes you look short. And when I imagine you like that short, half person? I don�t even see you as a real person anymore. And so, for now, I�m signing this letter as:

~No longer yours,

People randomly kept hugging me today. All sorts of guys, like Kyle Wrestler, and Levi, and Ollie, and Zach. And the truth is? I really don�t mind, because it was all non-romantic, and they all make me laugh. They�re all my friends.

It�s probably since I looked so cute in my little white skirt and also in my chorus robes. (We had our chorus competition thing today. We rocked the house, even though Cody wasn�t even there.) (I don�t know if I�ve explained this before, but each part has certain leaders, per say. It�s just this automatic thing. And I didn�t realize this for a while, but all the altos cue off of either me or Kayla, and then mostly me. Which makes me proud. And The basses are led by Cody and Pav. And the tenors are led, too, but I don�t really know who by. The sopranos lack leadership, mainly because they refuse to work together, and mainly don�t even want to be there: they hate it and just want the easy credit. That�s why they don�t do so hot.)

There�s this new girls, Mattea, and she�s really cool. I had this random brain wave last night that I should try to get her into the band that Shelby, Sophia, Rachel (?) and I are starting. Then, today? I found out that she plays GUITAR!!! Ha. So maybe I�ll have her come over when I have the girls over for practice�

Btw, I finished a song, and it�s absolutely BRILLIANT! Ha, I love it, and I�ll write it down later. But for now, I�m signing off.

Quote of the day: �It�s a silly time to learn to swim when you start to drown. It�s a silly time to learn to swim on the way down.� ~Tegan and Sara (Lyrics from the song �My Number�)

Song I�m Listening to: �My Number� ~Tegan and Sara. AND �All you got� ~Tegan and Sara AND �Proud� ~Tegan and Sara

Mood I�m In: Proud, happy, funny, and hot.
