2009-03-31 � Sweet tooth.
Time: First hour.

Location: The Honors geometry class. Mr. Maths�s room.

At Rise: The softball girls in class are squealing loudly, complaining about other players on the team.

Including Leah, who�s not here. ARGH!! They are such bitches! They�re spazing out about this ONE TIME that she messed up, get this, during PRACTICE! And it�s not like they�re any better, for goodness sakes.

It leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth, thank you. Shelbell and I discuss it, and we decide that we should tell Leah, and also, if we ever heard anyone talking about each other like that, we would tell each other immediately.

I don�t see Leah until third hour, and it�s bugging me, a lot, during second hour.

When I come out of class, I run into Cody by his next class, which is next door to my second hour. He looks at me and does his �Argh: school� face. Then he sees the look on my face, and he looks really concerned all of a sudden.

�What�s wrong?� he asks, pulling me towards the door of his class.

�A bunch of the softball girls were saying some stuff about Leah. It was SO mean; it�s been bugging me.�

�Leah? Why? Are you guys like�?�

�Friends again? Yeah, in the general sense. I hate when people talk like that about people I actually like. I mean� yeah.�

�Yeah, I get it.� he says, nodding. �Well, okay, see ya.�


And I shortened up the convo some, since the rest really isn�t that important, and a bit on the boring side, probably. But I just think it�s so sweet that he noticed that I was upset, and cared enough to ask. He�s so sweet. That�s one of the many things he has going for him.

Quote of the Day: Omg, Anna! I love your hair!!!

Song I�m listening to: Call it off~ Tegan and Sara

Mood I�m In: Grateful. Giddy. Happy to be alive.
