2009-03-26 � real live person...
Today was fun, AND STRESSFUL!!!!!! ARGH!!! S&E is hours away!!!

On the bright side, we had this presentation-thing in the auditorium of our school today, and it was roll-on-the-floor hilarious.

And before it started, check out this social interaction:

Okay, so I�ve got to give The Wall some tickets for the show, and I�m waiting around for him and stuff, and I go over and talk to Kyle and Taylor and this other guy, but he was like, leaving when I came over. Anyway, so we were just talking, and I was complaining about how ssssssslllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwww the wall must be driving to get there, and then Taylor starts saying to Kyle:

�Hey, where�s you GIRLFRIEND???� and he�s like, �um��

�Oh, wait- I forgot: YOU DON�T HAVE ONE!!!!� she says, acting annoyingly like the bitch that she tends to be. �You know,� she says, jutting her hips out to the right and sticking her boobs practically in Kyle�s face, �I could be your girlfriend.�

And Kyle was like eww�.. and so he put his arm on my shoulder and said �Nope, sorry. Anna�s my girlfriend tonight. Right Anna?�

And so I laughed, put my arm on his shoulder and replied, �Right. Sorry Taylor. Out of luck for tonight.�

She starts to act mad then. �You choose a FRESHIE over ME???� (like it�s impossible to believe. If I was a guy, I�d go out with another guy before I�d go out with HER) �I mean, what does SHE have that I don�t?�

(Um� a sense of humor, maybe?)

�Well, dear,� I say. �I just so happen to be a six out of ten. So there.�

�What?!� She asks.

�Kyle and I look at each other and crack up. �Loooooooooonnggg story.�


All in all, it was fun.
