2009-03-04 � Lie to me.
Today was incredibly naff day in the land of the criminally insane.

(Translation: Today was out-of-style (aka, Mr. Animal) day at school.)

We all wore vests and hats (except for the people dressing up like this Derrick fellow� but we�ll get to that latter) in honor of the Ag department leader at mad land (school). Oh, how I wish I had went out and bought some fake beard for my friends and I, so we could have completed the look. But I did send Mr. PWJ for a spin, so that�s a plus at least.

The Derrick followers all wore cut-off shirts and hats and assorted crap clothing.

Cody was a Derrick Follower. (Probably because he couldn�t pull off a vest and look as glamorous as I do. Ha, if only vests were back in style!) but anyway, let me say, it is very easy to get over someone when they are wearing crap clothes and they are not wearing them well. HA HA HA !!!

Ugh. I wish Cody would stop treating me like pond scum. He�s avoiding me as if I have the madness! (which I probably do, but that�s besides the point: people find my craziness an adorable asset to my personality) (maybe.)

He never looks at me anymore, except when he thinks I don�t see him. Also, he is really mean to me these days. It�s just like, crap.

I wish he had had the guts to TELL me he never wanted to look/talk to me again, instead of just putting his plan into action. I wish he would just suck it up and stop acting like he hates me. God.

Anyways, on a happier note, I won against Mr. PWJ today. (Kinda.). Well, I have him seventh hour, and I have study hall eighth hour (with Mr. Maths.) So during Mr. PWJ�s class, he handed out this worksheet and kept talking while we were all trying to work on it. Mainly he kept telling me that in my hat I looked like a member of the partridge family, whatever that is. Then he asked me if I owned a bus, so I assume that this partridge family, whatever it is, is a bunch of birds with cute hats and their misadventures in their retired school bus.

After I left his class, I had to borrow a text book to finish the dumb assignment. Then, during studyhall, I switched from my green flowered hat to my sparkly blue hat, which is the same style, except for the materials, naturally. Then, when I walked into his class to return the book, he was driving everyone to the brink of madness, so I popped in and he was like �Anna! Isn�t it nice of her to come in, class?�

Good God. �Hello Mr. PWJ.� I said.

�Look at that hat, boys and girls. It�s one of the best hats I�ve seen all day!�

The entire classroom, or at least the percentage that wasn�t looking already, turned in their seats and stared at me.

Well� I cleared my throat.

Then Mr. PWJ stopped for a second. �Hey, that�s a different hat, Anna.�

�What?� I asked, playing it dumb. (Well, as you all know, I am a brilliant actress.)

�You were just wearing a green hat last hour.�

�Um, no I wasn�t.� I say, wrinkling my forehead. �I was wearing this blue hat. With the sequins, you know?�

�No, you were wearing the green one with the flowers!� he says, thinking I am playing a joke on him.

�No, I was wearing this blue hat. I don�t even OWN a green hat.� The students (all upper-classmen) were chuckling.

�You were wearing the green hat!� Mr. PWJ is quite flustered now. Ha ha ha.

�No, sir. This blue hat is my one and only.�

�Well, but, err, no, um, are you sure? I could swear that you were wearing the blue hat�

�I am wearing the blue hat.�

�I meant the green hat!�

Cole, who I hadn�t noticed standing a ways over, handing out papers, spoke up. �Maybe you�re crazy, Mr. PWJ.�

Ha ha ha! Wait� how in the world is Cole in the class with a bunch of sophomores and juniors and crap? Is he in advanced placement?

Mr. PWJ bounces back. �Well, students, doesn�t Anna look like one of the partridge family in that hat?�

�I don�t even know what a partridge person IS!� I say.

�You don�t know what a partridge family is?� someone asks.

�No.� I say.

�Oh. Me neither.� The person says.

Then I left. I figured I had disrupted the class enough.

Guess what?! For the play for 4-H, I get to wear a fat suit for one of my two characters. OH YEAH!

Quote of the Day: (another one by myheavyheart. Love her!) (Nonromanticly.)
Here it is: 'lie to me,' she whispered, 'i love you,' he said.
