2009-02-19 � A better day...
Officially �talked� to Cody today. Because I was standing right behind him in the lunch line� (argh! What crappy timing! I should have walked to lunch with Rachel!). Well, anyways, the entire time in the line we didn�t talk to each other and we pretty much pretended that the other one wasn�t there. (longest five minuets ever) But then after we paid and were going through, I grabbed a sandwich and he was getting this nasty green bean casserole, so I said �Eww, that stuff is gross! Why would you eat that?� (You know, in my charming tone of voice that says that even though I think green beans are nasty little packets of mush, I understand why other people would eat them.) Cody smiled and said in the same tone of voice �Well, for the same reason I would eat this fabulous green banana.� And then he grabbed one of the (acid green) bananas off the counter and said �Yum yum.� Laughing, we pulled off to the snack bar, and then he was like �Why do they only put the barbeque sauce on one side? Every time!? Seriously!�

When I got to my lunch table, Leah was smiling suspiciously at me. �So,� she said, �What was that all about?�

I retold the story, and Leah was laughing by the end of it. (Rachel, you weren�t there yet, you naughty girl.) Shelby (the non-blonde one) looked at me and asked �So are you over him?�

�Not nearly.� I said. �But getting there.�


Well, at least if I don�t have a love life, at least some of my friends do.

I�m not going to say names, since I don�t know if I was confided in because I have such a charismatic attitude or because my friend was just bursting with joy and telling everyone, but, well, one of my friends told me during gym today that this guy she�s had her eye on officially asked her to be his girlfriend on Monday! (?). Well, sometime this week. Ah, I�m so happy for her! Hahaha, lalala.

Of course, he�s from out of town, so I�ve never seen this fellow, plus he�s from the �mean� town that my cousin goes too, but apparently some nice people can actually come out of a meenie town. Horary! Proof that miracles DO exist!


During my Chorus lesson today, when I walked into the band room, the little kid band had invaded! It�s starting to get kind of creepy: I walked in and almost head on into Cody�s little brother (who was standing behind the door, so it�s not MY fault), and then he was like �Oh, Hi Anna!� and then Paul�s little sister (who is very cool beans) (except not like green beans.) saw me and she�s waves at me and goes �Hi Anna!� and then when I�m getting my chorus folder, (conveniently placed at the front of the class) Cody�s little sister sees me and goes �Oh my gosh! Anna! Hi!� and then her friend Anna goes �Hi Anna!� and it got out of hand pretty quickly.

It�s like I�m a mini-celebrity. Hahaha.


BTW: Cody was wearing a trench coat today, so now I call him �Sherlock�. I amuse myself a lot sometimes. This is why I shouldn�t be allowed to get bored.


Quote of the day: �And you�ll always be a part of me, but I still gotta grow and I still gotta learn to live again.�
