2009-02-07 � This is what goes on in the female mind
I spent my entire day, from 7:30 in the morning to 6:30 in the night standing among wrestlers.

Those guys seem to speed lots of time shirtless.

Which is a bit random, I know, but there were quite a few hotties� it makes more sense for girls than it does for boys, I guess.

It just lightens the mood, I guess, when a HG (hot guy) stands right next to you (even when he could be much further away), and he�s only wearing a singlet. Although, not going to lie, some of the team singlets were NASTY! They were like giant thongs worn upside down. I am totally serious.

Leah showed up, and I guess we�re talking again. Now, I guess, I am stupid enough to wait �till next time, sometime when it�s worse. (It always escalates.)

I also spent a lot of time with Cody�s little sister, since we were all hanging out in a conference room. She�s really cool. I think it�s a bit funny; she�s got my name memorized, and she�s acting like we�re best friends all of a sudden.

Her twin wrestled the last match today. I was hanging out with my little sister (Who knows all the drama of my life) and her friends (who have no idea). We were on the far end of the mat, watching, and I whined that we should go over to the other side, and my sis grabbed my arm and said �We would do that, Anna, except look who�s standing right there.�

It was TB.

My teeth clenched up really hard. I couldn�t talk, much less cheer on the team.

Cody�s brother got pinned, and then, speak of the devil, in He walks. Cody, in all his ex-wrestler glory. He went and stood by TB.

I knew I could have gone over there, and I knew that he saw me, but I stayed where I was. It was strange, standing across the gym from him, and not going over to talk to him.

I did the same thing last night.

But before you freak out, know this: I have no idea what is wrong in my brain. I just didn�t have anything worth-while to say, I guess. Plus, I decided that if he wanted to talk to me, he could come over, or corner me when I was walking around in the concession area. I wasn�t going to go over by TB.


Hmm� which brings me back to when I first met his sister. I talked about it before, remember, that was when I first saw TB. But I left out some dialoge way back there, that I over heard, but it didn�t really click right away. Now I�ll record it, since I�m dying to discuss it.

I heard TB�s voice first, as I was walking to the bleachers. Naturally, I saw him standing next to C�s little sister, and that�s why I was listening anyways. Plus I thought it was weird that they were both looking twords me, in a �casual� way.

�Does Cody know she�s here?� TB asked.

I heard a mumble from C�s lil� sis.

�Did he walk home or something?�

�I don�t know, I guess so.� She said.

And that�s when my ears stopped working because I realized who Nice Looking Man was.

What the heck? Why am I suddenly such a big topic of conversation? I�m not a celeberty or anything.


Quote of the day: ��When the planes crashed into the twin towers, I don�t think any of the phone calls were messages of hatred or revenge� they were messages of love. And I think, if you just look around you, You�ll find that Love, actually, is all around.� ~Opening lines of the movie �Love Actually.�
