2009-01-30 � Upset Sick.

I was started crying on the bus this morning. I stopped myself before I got out of control, but it was a close one. Here�s my trigger, lyrics from The Change, by Garth Brooks.


One hand reaches out and pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one?
It�s like whispering a prayer in the furry of a storm

And I hear them saying you�ll never change things
And no matter what you do it�s still the same thing�

This heart still believes that love and mercy still exist.
While all the hatreds rage and so many say
That love is all but pointless in madness such as this
It�s like trying to stop a fire
With the moisture from a kiss�


(and that�s when I shut of my mp3 player.)

Garth Brooks, why do you do this to me?

And I know that the song is really about the bombing in 1995, but still, the lyrics�

I�m crying now as I type this.

Don�t worry, I�ll be fine by tonight�s party, even though my ribs ache, and my eyes are turning red, and I�ve been feeling like I�m going to throw up all day. **

That�s just your reaction when you see TB and he looks like a school counselor or something� when really he�s a child abuser. That is just an upsetting experience.

God, I can�t see the screen right now. I�ll be back in a few minuets.


Deep breath.

Okay, I�m back. So, um, I sent Cody a note today, via Rachel. Haha, Rachel you�re like totally my best friend ever, I love you. (just not in a romantic way)

The message basically said that I�m in love with him. The cincher was when I found out about TB. It�s got my �je tel dit que je t�amis?� quote in there. Now, I promised. I�ll tell you what it means. It means �did I mention that I love you?�

I love that. It�s from a movie.

There. Now I�m giddy. Party time!

Ha. Ha. Ha. (she says sarcastically)

Quote of the Day: The harder the battle, the more glorious the victory.

* there are more lyrics here, belonging to the refrain. I excluded them because they have nothing to do with the way I was using the lyrics. The proper refrain is:

And I hear them saying you�ll never change things
And no matter what you do it�s still the same thing
But it�s not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know
That it will not change me.*

**I�m not sick as in flu sick. I am sick as in upset sick.**
