2009-02-02 � Just Hear me out... And listen to the healing forces of Everclear.
So. (I really have to stop starting all my entries with �so�. It�s quite annoying, really.)

Today I woke up at 4:30. Just to say it, I am not a morning lark, or however the phrase goes.

I squinted at the wall to read the time from my clock, and groaned. 4:30? Seriously? Who in their right minds got up at that time? I heard some metal banging about in the next room, then realized that someone was out and about cooking. �Por que? I think. Then I realize that it�s my mum. I have no idea what goes on in her mind. Seriously. Not even lying.

As I tossed and turned, trying to get back to sleep (come on, I went to bed at midnight last night, after la Super bowl Americano) and eventually covered my head with my blanket, to filter out all the light pouring in through my doorway (I have no door on my doorway. Just a lousy curtain. Apparently my parents must not consider me responsible enough for my own door. Although I have a door on my dressing room downstairs, so that�s a plus, I guess.). Also, Mom has a thing for talk radio. So National public radio was pumped out to the max. (vair, vair pathetic.) And one of the oldie moldy hosts was preaching a sermon about kids in this technological day and age. Erlack.

After a bit, I made a pillow sandwich out of two pillows and my head. But then I thought about my stupid note to Cody and how now I had probably messed up all chances of him ever kissing my hair again, and I felt vair, vair sorry for myself.

At quarter to six, mum turned off the radio and the lights and left the house. Puh. Now I had ten minuets until my alarm would wake me up itself.

So I slept for ten minuets and the stupid alarm started yelling at me again.


On my way to school, I nearly had a nervy spaz thinking of what a dip-weed I had come off to be.

Then my best bud and editor Rachel got me out of thinking like a nim-rod and got me caught up in the exciting (though sad) aspects of her mental grandma and family.

After gym class, I felt like a dope head. I think I must be at least a little bit insane. My one hope in the world was that Cody had accidentally bumped into a bunch of people lighting up some fags and the note had set on fire before he could read it.

Then Tissue, (see "my crapinating crap crap day") who was re-applying makeup in the locker-room mirrors, spoke up when I came around to check my hair. �So, Anna,� she said, swiping a mascara brush across her eyeballs, �I heard you dropped the L-bomb on Cody on Friday.�

�What�s this now?� I ask, doing a very good perplexed.

�Well, I got my information from a very good source.� she says, swipe, swipe, swipe.

�Excuse me? Who?� Crap, crap, crapity crap.

�A Very Tall person.� Tissue says, swiping her other eyelashes with the makeup brush, swish, swish, swish.

�Cody?� I ask, at a risk for heart failure. �What in the world��

�No, a Very Tall Girl.� Tissue says, looking at me in the mirror as she packs up her make-up in her little make-up bag.

�Leah?� I ask, my voice dripping with an �are you serious� attitude.

�Um, well,� Tissue says, her brow wrinkling.

I look her dead in the eye. �Was it Leah?�

�Yes.� Tissue says.

�What the heck?� I ask. What�s up with that? �I said no such thing, and even if I had, how in the world would Leah know?�

�Well,� Tissue says, tossing it over her shoulder with a flick of her long blonde hair, �She is quite a reliable source.�

�She�s as reliable as a deaf-blind girl giving directions!� I grumble. But Tissue is long gone. Huh, sometimes I wonder about that girl.

Although, this means that either Cody told Paul, and Paul opened his big gob and told Leah, or, shudder, Cody told Leah himself.

Probably she let her theory slip on facebook.

Crap, why did I tell the girls at the party? It is possible that one of them let it slip. Accidentally, I�m sure, but perhaps Nikki let it pop out� she has a way with that. I love her (in a non-romantic way), don�t get me wrong, but sometimes, well, gossip goes to the highest bidder.

Puh. Again.

So, then, I went to my locker looking wild eyed, I�m sure, and Cody passed me in the hall way and was it just me or was he looking at me a bit like �What a freakizoid!!!� It was probably just me, I think, but then realize that he must have read my note and become freaked out. Puh. Boys are a mystery to me. Personally, if I had asked a gorgy fellow to the dance and he wrote me a lovey-dovey note, I would be over-joyed. Because if I didn�t like the gorgy fellow, would I have asked him to the dance anyway? No. And if I had come to believe he was a ttly un-romantic baboon, I would have given him a second chance if he wrote me a gorgeously romantic note. (My note, of course, was not that terribly romantic. I have no writing skills when I am talking to him, para; my brain gets scrambled like an egg in an egg omelet.

But then my hero Rachel came along and was like all �Anna, OMG, I ttly didn�t give Cody the note!�

And I smiled, probably for only the third or fourth time that day, and was like �Rachel, I love you. DON�T give it to him, please. I believe I was pulling a Michael Phelps there.�

And Rachel looked confused, as if she was full of confusnosity, and so I explained it and told her I was quite happy now.

And so then I was like, �HA! THE WORLD IS A GREAT PLACE TO BE!� Until I realized that there was now the Leah mystery. Hmm� what in the world? She fills me with confusnosity with her meanness and jealousocity ways. So. Speak of the devil, here she comes strolling down the hallway with her scarf of many colors. Piff. �Por que? Seriously? Why? You can�t be telling me that she is still full of jealousy and shameless- minx-ness. After all this time? GET A LIFE!

As of today, I have known about TB for one month and four days. I have been writing this diary for one month exactly. This is my thirty-first entry. I am only one�s person�s favorite diary, and that is Rachel.

Anyway, before I so rudely interrupted myself: I still, at 11:00, have not solved the Leah mystery.

But I did catch Hunky (Cody) on the way back form Chorus, and told him that apparently I was making the circuits on the rumor mill again, and so, seeing as I was the last to hear about these things that I am apparently doing, he should just ignore it.

�Let me guess�� He said, The Smile playing about his beautiful lips. �Leah?�

�Ha, Ha, ha!� I start laughing like a wild hyena, but in a sort of sarcastic way. It was therefore short lived. (But it felt like a hyena in my chest as my mind laughed.) �Naturally, Silly Boy. Who else would start up something totally crap about me?�

He did The Smile for a while longer, then Mr. Math Teacher demanded his immediate attention, so I walked to my locker alone, smiling like a mental person. I am quite strange, I believe.

Everclear makes life better. Trust me. They are my fav. band right now. Here�s some lyrics that I connected to Cody immediately, which is stupid, because it�s about love & lust & stuff, but I still imagine it as his anthem to TB.

(My lyrics to Cody are the first two segments and breaks. The Cody to TB ones are the rest.)


It can come from
out of nowhere
hit you when you�re
safe and warm.
Take it easy my star
Your time is going to come
Your time is going to come

You got those crazy blue eyes,
Yeah you got those crazy blues
All those pretty smiles
I can see them laughing at you
Your time is going to come
Your time is going to come

I don�t want to be your
punching bag
Your complacent little princess
All tragic and sad
I�m not going to let you
Overwhelm me
Anymore (no, not anymore)

Yeah you say you got
This bad thing
Yeah you say you got it bad
You have broken every heart
Of every friend you�ve ever had

Someday the time
Is going to come
When all your friends
Just go away

I wonder why I stick around
Sometimes I wish you
Would leave
You say you�ll love me forever
Then you spit on me
Your time is going to come
I swear your time
is going to come

I don�t want to be your
Whipping boy
Your pathetic little loser
Someone you can ignore
I�m not going to let you
overwhelm me
anymore (aw)

I�m not going to let you hurt
me anymore
I�m not going to let you hit
me anymore
I�m not going to let you kick
me anymore

I will not let you overwhelm
Me anymore

It came from
out of nowhere

I don�t want to be you simple
Saving grace
Just another little victim with a
Happy face

Someday soon
Somebody�s going to come
I hope they do this to you

I�m not going to let you
Overwhelm me

I will not let you hurt
me anymore

I will not let you hit
Me anymore
I will not let you twist
Me anymore

No, I will not let you turn me
inside out.

Some people may find this depressing, or perhaps �overwhelming?�

I think it�s the first time I�ve been able to think of Cody and TB in a strong way.
My heart is growing stronger every day.

Thank you Everclear. I love you creepy guys.


Well, this entry is being on the lengthy side, so I will fill you in on the rest of everything that happened to me today tomorrow, if nothing more interesting comes up.


Quote of the day: �Por Que? Seriously?

Ps: Rachel, hate to break it to you, but I saw you parents kissing whilst I was concession-standing today. It was eww-y, but not quite as erlack as when my parents start snogging. That is a face-eating contest that no sane person can stomach.
