2009-01-14 � Happy Day

My faith in all sex gods of mankind (Cody) has been restored!

Not only did my bff/editor/detective Rachel bring me news of great joy, but:

HE gave me 1) the smile,
And also, 2) he walked to class with me,
And also, 3) we held a moderately intelligent conversation (as in, enough time to actually talk about more than only one subject)
And also, 4) EXCITING!

So I will explain #4. Here�s what happened: I got to chorus, and then about forty-eight seconds later (not that I was counting or anything) Cody arrived. ♥Sigh♥. Then he came over to me as I was taking my coat off, and I told him what Shelby had told me: If you put a spoon under your pillow, and sleep with your jim-jams inside out, the next day will be a snow day. He laughed, bestowed upon me The Smile, and then said something along the lines of: �wow, your face looks really cold.�

And then he cupped my chin in his hands and cradled my cheeks to warm them up.

(I thought that was a totally suave move.)

And as he was holding my face, starring into my eyes, I swear, if we hadn�t been in a crowded classroom, I would have snogged him. (I bet he tastes delicious.) And also, I must take note here: as his face-holding had a double purpose, we must concentrate on whether or if not my face was actually warmed.

In short, yes. It was.

But not because of his hands, which were cool and smooth and yummy smelling; like soap. As much as I hate to burst his bubble, his hands didn�t do much on the warming front. Except, being that close to him and all the intimacy and such made me blush, and so my face was warmed. (My hope is that my face was already red-ish, [hence the �cold face� move] and so the blushing was not that obvious.)

All the face- holding was over in about five seconds. Maybe ten, but don�t quote me on that. Then, as he was letting go of my face, he brushed some hair off my cheek, still demonstrating The Smile and then swaggered off. I wouldn�t just say walk, because it was a bit cocky in a totally hot way. Not in a �pampered jock� way. Just in a hot way.

Then on the walk back to the main building, we discussed the fact that my nose bleed was caused by a curse bestowed upon me via stink eye. He didn�t seem to find it quite as funny as I did, but he did laugh quite a bit. I also kind of mentioned that I need a stinking translator for my book I�m reading, because they always start rambling off in French and I get some, but not all of it. Cody speaks French, but I think my kind-of hints were too subtle for him.

Stupid brain.

Oh well, lalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Quote of the day: Your face looks cold.

La la la la la la la lalalalalalalalalalalalalala. :-)
