2009-01-11 � Reflections
Surely, if you have ever listened to a pro- football game on the radio, then you know this commercial:

�Hi, I�m Selma, and I'll be your server this evening. The special is pasta primavera and it comes with a salad. Oh, and by the way, I abuse my children. Lots of times I beat them for even the smallest reason. When they really get on my nerves, I lock them in the closet for a few hours."

WHY, WHY, WHY? Why do they DO this to me? Isn�t it really bad enough that I think about it constantly? Why do they have to remind me when I�m being either blissfully ignorant or happily obsessive? Do they really have to remind me? I mean really? Is that necessary? I. THINK. NOT.

Girr� if only the whole thing really could be fixed.

I was also thinking about a certain Friday, one month, one week and two days ago.

The day he asked me to the dance, and my life changed, for better, I think.

As I was thinking on it, I realized that basically everyone knew before I did, didn�t they?

He told Rachel first. He practically asked her permission. Which I think is hilarious. From what Rachel has told me since, he stopped her on her way to a warm up room during band/ chorus concert practice and he said �So, do you talk to Anna much?�

And Rachel reply was �Yes� (Because she does.) And he asked, eventually, if Rachel thought I would go to the dance with him if he asked me. And Rachel said �Yeah!� (Because I would.) And so that was just about a week before he actually got around to the whole asking part, and my week was completely naive and head-in-the-clouds while Rachel told Shelby and they got excited and Rachel told me that no one had dibs on him, and Leah told me that she �so doesn�t like him anymore.�

But those two weren�t the only ones. Is it just me being a little paranoid, or did Rachel D. practically slap me upside the head with it during a play practice? Observe:

We [the cast] were all in the boy�s prop room (not as disturbing as it may sound. We girls were in there so often, it was partially co-ed. And it�s not like anyone was changing or anything.)

And while we were there, my cousin Josh was teaching me how to tie a tie, and Cody walked in, and he was just hanging out, and I said �Do you like Leah?�

And he was like �Who?�

And I said �Um, freshman, tall, dark hair, skinny-ish�

And Cody�s friend Ally interrupted, saying, �That tall one with the greasy-looking hair� to which I cracked up, and Cody replied �um, no.�

Then, Rachel D, who was sitting right next to me, said �I know who he likes.� And she kind of smiled at me and then Cody was giving her this kind of mad look, and then she cleared her throat and said, �Um, Actually, no I don�t. Um, so anyways, guess what?� And she changed the subject.

And yet, I remained completely ignorant. (In a good way, though. Not like I was called on Facebook)

In fact, during Chorus practice one month, one week, and two days ago, I still had no idea what was going on.

While the teacher was busy talking to the chick that helped choreograph the swing choir act, I was just spacing out, looking at people�s feet, and then I saw this huge pair of shoes, which were connected to a huge pair of legs, which belonged to Cody, naturally. I looked at him and I said �Cody, you have really big feet. No offense or anything,� but he was smiling, so I went on. �What size are you?�

�Um, 15s or 16s.� He said, still smiling.

�Where do you even get shoes that big?� I asked.

�Well,� he answered �Normally I get them from Godzilla when he�s through with them, and sometimes I get them from King Kong, and well, sometimes��

�Clown Surplus?� I asked, laughing.

�Yep.� He said, smiling. He was cracking up, and I was happy. I thought to myself �Good, I made someone laugh today� I made Cody laugh today. Even better.�

Then we had to go through the whole chorus song again, and afterward, he looked at me and said �Hey, Anna, could I talk to you for a sec?�

And I was thinking, oh, crap. He�s going to tell me I suck at singing and should quit chorus.

But then he sat down on the edge of the risers, and I sat down next to them, and he asked me �Um, are you going to the dance?�

And I was still clueless, and so I was like �Yeah.� (Because I was.)

And he said �Do- um, do you have a date?�

And suddenly, I�m like, inches away from hyperventilation. But I�m also thinking, �oh, come on. Me? A date to the dance? Are you kidding?� (This must have been the part of me that was still a little bit in shock.)
And so I said, �No.�

And he smiles, and says �Would you- um, would you like to go with me?�

And I said �Yes.� (What�s up with my monosyllabic answers? Do I have to let him do all the talking?)

And he said �Great! So, um, I�ll see you there?�

And I nodded and said �Yeah, sure.� (Two syllables. Yea!)

And the dance is a whole other story. Which I won�t bring up just yet.

Quote of the Day: I guess it is a happy ending after all.
