2009-01-10 � A Message to the Middle-aged.
Join the resounding chorus.

Go ahead.

See. If. I. care.

You, mom, dad, everyone. Go ahead. Say it.

�Why do you always have to call him? He needs to call you.�

I say, F--- you. Shut up. This proves that you are looking out for me how? By making me think that he doesn�t care? Oh, of course. GOOD. THEORY.

This also proves that you know nothing.
Once again, big surprise.

But there�s no way I�m telling you. Uh-uh. If you did even care, your answer would be to �call the hotlines.� Or �call the cops.� Uh-huh. If that would help, it SO would have happened already.

If you think you�re some sort of genius�


Quote of the Day: Go Ahead. Jump in. The water�s fine.
