2009-01-06 � what? it's not Wednesday?
It�s not Wednesday! Girr!

I thought for sure that today was Wednesday, and I was happy, happy, and happy because Wednesday means the following wonderful things:

1) Chorus: singing, talking, piano-playing, and Cody time. I ♥ chorus. Why oh why oh why did today have to be the day of my (extra) study hall day? WHY?

2) Fencing: I was sooooooooooooooo looking forward to practice! I have such motivation now because of TB. Ahh, fencing, why must practice for you not be today? Why must you betray a student of the art like this?!

So I guess that�s it, but they were serious reasons for me to actually go to school today. Darn it all.

Leah and I are friends again. Light bulb! (on again, off again. On again, off again.) I�m running out of new topics, so I�ll write a poem instead.
I am sitting here
At this computer. And I�m
For the file to download

Why must my computer
Torture me so? I am
As I wait for it to load.

Why do we have Dial-up
Instead of high speed? It makes me
For everything to load.


Betcha didn�t expect a crapinating �non-serious� poem out of me, did you?
Well, then the joke�s on you! HA!
Okay, quote of the day time!

Quote of the day: My goodness, though, how infants seem to resemble someone who�s had too much to drink!
