2012-05-08 � Okeyfore. ♥
Okay, Casey. Here's what I have to say to you. We're at a crossroads, and you can chose her or me, us or you. And I know she's amazing.

But listen-- I want you. I want to spend my days with you, I want to spend my nights with you, I want to spend every breath on you, on us, on a life with you.

Listen-- I adore you. I adore you in a really big, unfourtunate way, the sort of "Lay with you in a feild staring at stars, grow old and wrinkly with you, watch chick flicks for you, write you love letters, house-shop with you" adoration that would make me roll my eyes if someone else was saying those words.

But listen-- I am saying these words because they are true.

Listen-- I want that romantic heart of yours, and I want it bad.

Listen, Casey, You mean too much to me.
