2011-12-10 � Chem
I actually want to tell a story today. Nothing important. Just a story to help me remember senior year.�

It's about junior boys. And wrestling. And winning. Haha.

Our team isn't doing bad. Though Voldy and Quirrell and Scott will never be friends with me because of the shitty, bitchy senior managers...(it was BAD. They ruined everything between Voldy and I. Everything. He won't talk to me anymore, bc THEY made me a joke in front of all his friends.).... But that's a story about losing.�
And this is just a story.�
So. Despite that, I think I just may end up friends with some of those other boys, such as newly-named-Cedric Diggory, who used to be Harry Potter (for obvious reasons) until D became Harry because Kit Kat became Ginny.�
Nevermind. I'm not really telling a story here. I'm just telling an object of intrest.�
Anyway. Aprently he thinks I'm rather a cool cat, even of I am a cheerleader. And he thinks I'm funny and is impressed that I think he's funny. Yep. I'm thinking budding friendship here!�
Thank God for chemistry class, which is bringing this all to be. �
