2010-09-29 � stress and exhaustion
i'm exhusted.

there's the dance, Lucas, friends, plays, music, Lucas, danceing, cheer, Glee, Lucas, bands, phone calls, and terrible voicemails.

did i mention lucas?

i'm a passive girlfriend. passive/aggressive, actually. like, one second i need need need need need him.
the next i kinda don't want him.

i love him. and i miss being single.

i think the root of all this indecision is my sudden lack of crazy hormones. like, i'm actually NOT craving love and kissing and touching and boys. which freaks me out.
like, hormones! start spiking, please!


what else?

oh. i got another small part in the play. it's not that i mind having small parts.

it's just that all of a sudden, i don't believe that i am a good actress. at all.
and sophia was talking to girls who actually kinda hate me, and THEY were'nt surprised that sophia was trying out for the play because and i quote "Well... her sister is Anna ----. and Anna's an amazing actress."
"you know... you're right. I hate her, but she is really amazing at that."

and i dont believe them anymore.

i keep chafing against the swing gods- O,and J. mostly O and his following.

but i know what a show should look like. he just wants to have every word on his tounge.

also, did you know that it's nearly impossible to find some really great sheet music for really good songs that flaunt my vocal chords and say "Wow, that Anna shure can sing. i'll prove it to you!"
i think every song written should include sheet music for sale.

i love love love cheer and glee. those are the four nights that drag me through the week.

why is it that Evan won't return my calls? especially when its IMPORTANT?????

maybe it's because of my innability to leave a decent voice mail on anyone's phone?

tomorow i have to show correorgrahpy and teach it. wish me luck.
