2010-05-27 � Back Again
Okay. Sorry it�s been like forever�.

Let�s see. Track News: I run an 800 now. That�s two laps around the track. I�ve run it four times in meets now. And I run it slow. Here�s my times: First time- 3:10. Second Time: (Split time in a relay)- 3:03. Second time (Same night as relay, twenty minuets later)- 3:18. and my time last night (Which counts as my PR): 3:05.06. the girl I ran it against had this time: 3:05.01. that�s five hundredths of a second faster than me. Argh!

And our super relay was disqualified today. AFTER we beat the other super relay from Lucas�s school. Apparently there�s a volleyball player out there who will be getting a ton of M�s playing time.

Track is so much fun for people-meeting. There�s some really great, slightly crazy people that do that sport. Like me. I love meeting people like me.

Social News: the seniors are no longer roaming our hallways. Oscar was there today, wonderfully. Leah and I sit at the �Those People� table now� it�s great. I love being one of �those people� (�Those People� is a combination of jocks and nerds, seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen, cool people and unpopular folks, �creepers� and friends.)

It�s such a fun table to be at. Everyone blends really nicely. And you can bitch someone out and they�ll bitch you back� and then let it be. You just don�t get that at our old table. It�s a really great place for Leah and I to be.

Justin is still a cruel Douche. I know it might hurt Raquela for me to say that, but I don�t give a shit anymore. He�s mean to all of us. I�m sick of pretending to like him. If I have to, I�ll tolerate him. And that�s it.

Track Boy, Lucas, is my boyfriend now. We don�t see each other as much as I�d like to, but we talk every night, for hours. I saw him Monday, and I�ll see him tomorrow. Which is totally fabby. Also, he�ll be coming over on Monday, where he�ll hang out with me and my friends. I�m so excited!!!!!!!

Kay-Kay�s scaring me. I think she�s freaking out about boys, but hard-core.

I auditioned for a musical last night. I think I did okay. As in, I might get a small part.

We�re singing Seasons Of Love in chorus� I pretty much already know the whole thing. Hahahaha.

And that�s about all that�s new for now. So� Kisses everyone.

Love Anna.

Quote of the day: �For those who have much, much is expected.� �Mr. PWJ.
