2010-03-01 � Terrified

We�re sitting in Bio, taking notes, watching freeky-deeky clips on viruses� (This, Mr. Science happily informed us, will kill us all in the end. the entire human race.)

We learn about these scary viruses, like HPV (Which is F-ing scary, ngl. Google �The Tree Man�) and Ebola (Which is, if possible, even scarier� it dissolves your blood vessels... you bleed out of every opening in your body. Worst (And last) Three days of your life.)

Mr. Science flips off the YouTube clip and talks for a bit, about how nasty some viruses can be, etc. we sit there in the darkened room, sunlight streaming in through the bottom of the windows, where the shades haven�t been completely drawn, and it sounds kinda peaceful, but it�s not. It�s tense. Something�s bothering me. Something about the video is troubling me.

Then someone slams their book on the ground� I don�t even glance over, I�m so used to this happening in every other class I have. But everything is suddenly wrong� Max goes �Oh my god�� Mr. Science is springing to his feet and racing across the room� and the boy who sits next to me, the slightly odd, inoffensive boy next to me, I on the ground, face-down, breathing heavy, twitching slightly. Everyone is frozen, as Mr. Science kneels by the kid.

Then he speaks. �Everyone, you are dismissed. Someone get the nurse.�

We stream out of the classroom in seconds, shaking, one girl is close to tears. My knees are weak and I can barley stand, I�m shivering so bad. My teeth will start chattering later. But right now I want so desperately to grab someone�s hand and hold on for dear life� and I find my thoughts drifting to� oddly enough, the Angry Mexican� cause I think he�d know exactly what to do in this sort of circumstance.

But we wait an agonizing minute for the nurse and the runners to return to us, shaking against the lockers that line the walls. And it�s bothering me, that position the boy was in� I mean� he was facing the front of the classroom, lounging in his desk, but when he hit the ground, he was face-first, facing the back of the room. It�s not he slumped� which I would have assumed� a sudden slump and maybe, MAYBE a slide out of his chair. Not that. And the way he was breathing� jerking� it�s so frightening. And it�s scary that no one has ANY idea what happened. Like I said, he�s this inoffensive, melt-into-the-wall type of kid, no one really pays attention. I mean� no one knows if it was allergy, or seeing that tiny bit of blood on the screen (Surely that can�t be it� I mean.. it would have happened sooner, right?) or� I heard some other theories� Epilepsy? But NO ONE KNOWS. That�s the frightening part.

I�m glad that Leah made me laugh, distracted me afterward. She wasn�t there, but I found her and told her. Same with chorus. And I got my things out of the classroom two hours later� it was empty by then.

After lunch, though, James ran into me in the hallway, iPod in, and I told him my story.

He looks at me, for a second then goes �What?� like he can�t believe it.

�I Know!� I say, �I was soo scared��

�Of what?� he asks. �You weren�t the one that fell down��

�James� he was just lying there, doing this breath-ey thing like this�� (I demonstrate) ��and it was soo scary!�

We argue about this for a bit, then he goes �Where is he?�

�He�s still in bio, I assume. I mean� wow, that�s a scary thought. But it�s not like there�s been any ambulances or anything, and� and the nurse just left, but the door�s still closed��

�How do you know?� he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I raise an eyebrow right back at him and gesture at the bio door. �The classroom�s right there!�

To which he races over to the door until I go and drag him away, cause we�re not supposed to be there, for one, and two, it�s kinda rude.

Also, we saw Zzach in the hallway. I said to James �Hey� he hates you.�

To which he frowns. �Who?�
I point out Zzach. �Him.�
Then he grins wickedly. �I know. When I see him in the hallway, I call him Anna ________ Lover.�

It�s amazing how much he makes me laugh. And how he can actually pronounce my last name.

This weekend was spent, for me, among wrestlers from Wisconsin� I was up in Madison, you see, for state wrestling, cause my cousin from Wisconsin had made it to the finals.

So my family all went to support him, and� well� it was amazing.

Plus, it was kinda eye-opening. I mean�. I turn heads wherever I go. It�s insane. It�s not like that at school. I don�t know if that�s cause people at my school are immune or, rater, used to me, or if wrestlers are just weird and normal people aren�t attracted to girls like me.

But it was a good weekend� kind of amazing, really, what with all the wrestling and being with wrestling families and my families, (and� well, the way guys look at me) but mostly the wrestling families aspect of it. And shopping. And eating. That was fun, too.

Quote of the day: �I Like pigs. Cats look down on us, dogs look up to us, but pigs? Pigs treat us as equals.� �Winston Churchill.

Quote two: (from Friday Night Lights): Tyra Collette: (I) Just wish I could build a time machine and go back and shoot who ever it is that invented Algebra, that�s for sure.
Landry Clarke: Well, see, that�s kind of a Catch-22, though, because in order to invent that time machine you may need to use Algebra.
