2009-12-01 � Scared of Work

So excited. Tyler got a pin. Kyle got a pin. Kyle�s brother didn�t wrestle�.

Anyway. Yesterday he called me after practice. I was bumming about this whole �Relationship� and he�s pestering me, saying stuff like �Beautiful, what�s going on?� beautiful this, beautiful that, blah blah blah.

And I say quietly, �Tyler? Is this not working?�

�What do you mean, beautiful? Is what not working?�

�This whole� relationship.�

�Look, if this is about Tuesday, we�ll get over it, okay? I mean, I see that that may have been hard for you to hear, but really? I don�t respect your views, and I don�t expect you to respect mine.�

I almost say that I DO respect his views. I may not agree, but I respect them. But he keeps talking.

�And what do you mean this isn�t working? This is working out fine. Explain yourself.�

�I mean�� and I don�t know what to say. I try but it, like everything else these days, isn�t working.

In the end he says something like �Don�t dump me, beautiful. Don�t. we will make this work.�

Well, maybe I don�t want to work my ass off to make this work. Maybe I want love that�s not nearly as hard. I mean, I�m willing to work to make a relationship work. But not slave until I�m skin and bones.

I want more than that. I deserve more than that, don�t i?

The major problem is that I�m scared of what Shelby would think. I�m scared that she�d get mad at me. Really really really scared.


Quote of the day: �I am a bad-tempered youth�

Quote two: �I would go to jail with only boys/ Just to prove I was as tough as you/ And when I get out for good behavior/ I'll be writing love songs/ Silly banging knee songs/ I'm a car crash/ But I have to get up/ And every morning it's a cleanup/ All I need is time, time to love you/ The forecast is grey/ But we're staying inside/
You must live close
I've seen you drive by
I left signs on the lawn
Where have they gone?
Did you take them to tease me
To follow or lead me?
You're a silly love song/ A verse chorus and such/ Some silly love song/ A verse chorus and such/ I'm a car crash/ But I have to get up�
