2009-06-10 � Back in Black
I�m sorry, I know it�s been a while. Recently, I changed my hair color back to brown, though it�s dark: almost black.

It was my birthday, and school is out.

And I miss everyone. I hate admitting this, but Cody and Jen bugg me even more now that I don�t see them, though it�s probably those dumb posts she keeps making on facebook, about how she�s �120% in love� with cody and how �paul, em, cody and me should go out together again.� Yeah, the wall paul. He�s not going out with em, just so you know.

And it pisses me off seeing how much he�s changed; Rachel says that she�s noticed it too.

I�m going through my class notebooks, and I keep finding music that I�ve written/ am writing. It�s comforting, and heartbreaking, seeing all the pain that I was going through this year. I�ll publish a few of those songs in a few minuets. But for now, I�d like to fill you in on the play I�m in, or, at least the major drama that it�s produced.

Apparently, this guy, one of the actors, has a history of sexual assault/harassment, harassment, and alcoholism. I missed the play practice at which this all unfolded, but apparently it was bad; he was asked to leave the play. Police are keeping a lookout on the director�s house and our play practices. The scary part is that the director made sheets for all of us, with everyone�s names, phone numbers, home addresses, and email addresses, and apparently he has a history of harassing other members of the cast, and we�ve been told that we may be getting some threatening phone calls, emails, and he might be like, vandalizing our homes/ waiting for us in the dark when we get home from play practices. It�s fucking scary.

Anyway, I�m just bumming out today. Nothing to do but work my ass off. I miss everyone, and I don�t like being home.

Quote of the day: �But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue.� ~William Shakespeare

My theme song, cording to facebook: "unwritten" natasha bedingfield
