2009-05-04 � Choir concerto

Mom. Is. Such. A. Fucking. Bitch.

She�s made my day hell. Hell, I say!

So first of all, I get home, I hang out for half an hour, Mom gets home. She�s all sweet, asking me stuff like, �Hey, Honey, how was your day?� and �What do you want for dinner?�

I�m playing singstar, and totally getting best scores, nearly perfect scores.

�Well, actually, I�m not really all that hungry.�

�Oh, well, how about some spaghetti?�

�No, thanks, that�s fine.�

�Oh, well, then� Hamburgers?�

�Actually, I�m really not hungry.�

�Well, how about chili?�

�Um, okay.�

�Normal? Cincinnati?�

�Um, Cincinnati will be fine.�

�Okay, you can make it, then. I�m going for a walk. God, as long as you stop singing. How are you even in Chorus with a voice like that? Here�s the recipe. Have fun!�

So I had to make this stuff with cinnamon and honey and salt and vinegar and chocolate and all sorts of weird stuff.

Well, anyway, then I changed into my dress clothes, and came downstairs. �How do I look?� I asked.

�Oh, you look good.� She says, barley even glancing up at me.

�Well, do you think this shirt is okay, with the whole strapless thing?�


So I do. After diner, I ask her to sign my pre-absentee form for Wednesday, for this chorus/band thing a bunch of us are going on.

�YOU cant go to this. You�re going to be missing class? You�re too stupid, how are you ever going to catch up with the rest of your classmates?�

And she goes on this rant about how stupid I am and how I can�t even sing, what kind of daughter has she raised? And how no, you can not go. Your father and I will have to discuss it, first.

When I get outside, we have to wait by the car because dad�s putting a new tire on.

�What happened to your legs, Anna?!�

�I attempted to shave with that stupid razor that cost you twenty cents, which you wont let me replace! And besides, it�s not even bad!� My legs are fat under the knee, but smooth and kind of pretty, in a chunky sort of way.

�Well, it looks like you have leukemia. Your legs are so ugly.�

Thanks, mom.

Well, at the concert, the altos rocked the hose, baby. Led by yours truly, we led the choir. (Two of which were naked under their robes, as a matter of fact. Yeah, gross. A tenor and a bass.)

In the lobby, I was talking to my girls, you know, the ones in junior high that I never get to see, and the topic veered to my mother angst, I reached the peak of tonight�s events as Cody reached my group, and he heard enough for his eyebrows to raise and then wrinkle worriedly.

I want to shake him and ask him why? WHY JEN? Anyone but her! (and perhaps her friend Hannah.) Even his #1 fan Hannah would be okay. EVEN SAVANNAH! What does that girl have that I don�t she doesn�t have anything that he�s told me matters to him. And I hate her, he knows I do, because I�ve told him and he would recite random lines back at me from what I�d told him months later! And I told him how I feel about her! Please God, anyone but Jen. That skinny, bulimic bitch can�t even throw a ball or LAUGH during gym class without collapsing and wheezing. God, she is on the verge of a heart attack. Why her?! Even my best friend! (Whoever that is, I�m not really into this whole favorites thing. It�s actually a draw between Leah and Rachel.)

And SPEAKING OF SAVANNAH! She stands next to me on the risers for chourus. She sucks. Why is she an alto?! And what�s up with this: she has her own folder, so she never even looks at it; Fact- I glanced at her folder after each song, and it would always be open to the tittle page, never any further. Then she would turn it to the tittle page of the next song and never turn the page again!

And I was sweating so much under those stage lights, I felt a bead of sweat actually start running down my leg. ICK! I saved the day with a quick swipe at it with my other leg.

And during the band, I sat between Levi and Shelby, with Oscar on Shelby�s other side� Oscar and Shelby talked the WHOLE FUCKING TIME the band was on stage. And I kept hitting them or nudging them, holding a finger to my lips, but they would stop for two seconds, on average, and then start again! That second song and the fourth song were absolutely amazing� the parts I could hear at least! Then while we waited for the jazz band, I gave them a quick lecture about SHUTTING THE FUCK UP IF THE CURTAIN IS OPEN, HAVE YE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR FELLOW MUSICIANS???!!! �Duh, what�s wrong with talking?�

Gag me with a freaking spoon!

And then the second the jazz band�s curtains opened, they started talking again. The band started up with this bluesy-type song, and Levi said �I love Blues, they get me in a good mood�. Wait, I phrased that wrong.�

�Yeah, I think so. But blues are really great.�

And Oscar and Shelby start up on how �How come they get to talk, Anna�s such a hypocrite!!!!�

Okay, Levi and I had said ten words, relating to the music they were playing, not what coffee we drank this morning!

And as I was venting in the car to Mom and Sophia, I got to the Jen Part, listed above, and Mom REACHES OVER AND TURNS ON THE RAIDO, AS LOUD AS SHE CAN!!!! And then she wonders �Why do you keep all these secrets from me?�

I think for Mother�s day, I�ll get her something, because I�m being blackmailed, but I�m going to also get something for my replacement mothers: Sophia, Shelby (Non-Oscar) Rachel, and Leah. And also Mrs. Thunder, who is my mother figure, even if I don�t talk to her about my problems, she brings me music, which is what I use to get me through every day, which can shape the world, which drives me and it�s one of the things that matters most in my life.

So, that�s that, I guess� it�s getting kind of late�

Quote of the day: No.

Song I�m Listening to: �Big Yellow Taxi� ~Counting Crows

Mood I�m In: Hurt. Betrayed. Is this really my MOTHER?
