2009-02-25 � Hmm. Doesn't sod happy, but it is.
This morning, as we were ridding the bus through the wild wilderness that we call home, I was not paying attention: I was off in Annaland where there is no Wild Abi and there is lots of music and such. Anywho, as I was sitting there, one of the other kids yelled out �Hey, That�s Ms. Shrink passing us!� (Ms. Shrink is my guidance counselor at school.) I looked out the head of the bus window, and then I saw a gray SUV-type car turning into a driveway ahead of us. Then the car kept moving forward, in the same direction we were moving. I realized that there was no driveway at the same time the car spun in a tight circle, the headlights flashing up towards the bus, and then it was lodged in the ditch.

Then Bi-polar Pete, my bus driver, smiled, waved, and started laughing as he revved up the bus engine and Zoomed off.

What a messed up world we live in.

Ps: Ms. Shrink was fine and at school today. She was bien.
Well, the crash opened up everyone�s mouths, and we all started talking. When the discussion veered towards the fellow students of our school, I started working on my immunity. By the time that I had completed convincing myself that I only liked Cody as a friend, and nothing more, the topic changed, right to Cody. They mentioned him briefly, actually, and then were talking about something else, but if I hadn�t just finished immunization, I would have been doomed. So there. I am completely immune today!

This makes me very happy and proud of myself. So there. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAha.


During lunch break, I showed Leah my brilliant (If I do say so myself) new hand signal. What you do is you make a �M� out of the three center fingers on your right hand, and point it down, and then a �W� on the same fingers on your left hand pointing up. Then you hold up your hands next to each other, and it gives you the initials �MW� Aka, Man-Whore, a senior boy who we inaccurately named (Because there are worse man-whores in our school than him, but it�s still funny) earlier this year. It�s this huge running joke between us. In a ttly loving and kind and compassionate way, of course. We�re not mean about it, though, so don�t worry.

But whenever Leah and I would make the �MW� sign, Cody would pop up. This was troubling. What in the world does this development mean? Cody answers to the sign of the ManWhore. How absolutely pathetico. Oh well, such is life.


♥NaomiAndMike are BACK!!!!!!!!!!! Horary! They were close to making out during Chorus today. I was so happy to see them stop acting like they don�t love each other, that I almost started crying. Ah, Life is very very good sometimes. :-) :) :-) :) ♥

Even if other people think they are Ewwey, what with their PDA and such, I still think they are adorable together. :)

Ah, me vida es muy, muy muy muy bien esta d�a. Y mucho mas: es feliz.

Quote of the day: Well, today was good� then i got up. ;)
