2009-01-03 � My Picture Perfect Family
we're a great big family full of love... when you're on the outside looking in. but when you're a part of it...

Act one, scene one.

mommy monster: the couch is still in peices! put it back togethet!

robot anna: okay, okay.

mm: i told you to before lunch and i said that i wanted it together and i said to put the couch back together!

ra: (squacks. makes strange noise that robots do not usaly make.) you did not!

mm: yes i did i said 'i don't like the couch pulled apart and i want the cushions on the couch'. don't you take that tone with me!

ra: (in her mind...she speaks to the audeince and MM freezes until RA finishes her thoughts) (ra snorts)
i don't see how that says 'please, dear child, put the couch cussions on the couch, dearest.'

how come sister gets to laze around?
'she has a sore throat'

how come brother gets to sit there like a lump on a log?
'because daddy monstor already yelled at him ten muinets ago and he finished his math sheets.'

how come i have to do all the work?
'you don't. brother takes out the trash occasionally. and your Abominable Abdominal pain is no excuse.'

(ra returns to scene. MM sits down on other couch. ra proceeds to put the couch cusions on the couch.)

daddy monstor: vacuum that couch out first!

RA: okay. (vacuums couch)

DM: hey, anna, i'm sorry. (MM snorts.) you look pretty tonight.

RA: (knows DM is trying to makes admends. obviously. she hasn't taken a shower in 36 hours. lets DM apologize.)Thanks dad.

MM: (with much spite) you're looking bloated today. how much do you weigh anyway?

RA: (monotone) i don't know.

MM: (rolls her eyes) you may go.

RA: (leaves. writes instead of cries.)

curtain. end of act one.

my life is one giant stage.
