2009-01-03 � stage fright
I�m here again. I�m always here. I should stop. I should only come here like once a day. Not twenty times. But I was just reading some mindlesslug stuff and now I have to write something.

It�s weird. This whole online diary thing.

Like, who do I share it with?

Do I just let me see it? No, because the password thing is annoying.

Or do I just let Rachel and Abby see it? (I�ll give you guys better fake names later)??? No, because I want other people to be able to read my stuff as long as I�m reading their stuff anyways.

So do I write this for everyone?

I don't have a problem with letting complete strangers look at my stuff. I�m more nervous as to people I know looking at it...

That�s just the way I am, I guess.

I�m "charismatic", and I just talk to people. But if it's people I�ve known for a long time, people that have been in my grade for fifty billion years that I never talked to before...

I. can't. talk.

I can go on stage in front of random strangers... Broadway, anyone?

but I can�t go onstage in front of people that know me and won't judge me...

I don't get it.

I mean, I can go onstage, and I have, but it's not nearly as natural.

that's why I don't like knowing people are out there before I talk. the more people, the better. but if I know them... yuck.

so... I guess I have something wrong with me.

quote of the day: sometimes I am an idiot. many of you know that by now. sometimes I am not. but it is not as clear, somehow.

this doesn't have anything to do with me today, but I like it anyway.
