2012-09-16 � College life

Gotta say, college is fun.
I miss Casey.
I miss my Cats.
My roommate is almost never home, always at class,
and there's no room for the futon I bought for our room.
or the tv for that matter.
funny, she's got all HER stuff here.

Also, this weekend, NO ONE is here. my friends from the wrestling team are hunting, the girls across the hall from me are at other colleges, hanging out with boys and boyfriends.
my friends from down the hall are home. So it's just me and my roommate. but she's got larengitis, so i guess if i go out today, it's gonna be on my own.


As far as dating goes...
one of the boys stated it very well
"It's kinda like... I mean, I don't want to thorw away two years. but at the same time, This is the best time in life to be single! It sucks."
So... That probabally doesn't make sense to a lot of you. But that's how it is for me, too.
