2012-03-02 � Love, Drugs, and Reprecussions
Last night I had a meltdown.
Probally because I crashed from the caffeine pill I took at lunch. �
It started with tall boy yelling at Taylor and I, telling us to shut up. And yeah, he was doing an interview. I get that. But we thought he was done. And he could have just said "wait a sec" held up an index finger.�
He thinks were annoying.�
And then we went into the hall and somehow started crying. And then we stopped. And went back inside for the game.�
And then, suddenly, Taylor started crying, and that got me, and it escalated and we'd keep pulling ourselves together and laughing and then something would set us off again until we were completly inconsolable.�
We bacame wrecks. We were in full crisis meltdown mode. And people kept asking what was wrong and all we could say is that everyone hates us.�
It was insane. We are insane. And now everyone knows it.�
They hate us. They think were strange. And annoying. And my soulmate thinks I'm a whore and a physco and he's stopped texting me.�
And I lay in bed last night once I finally escaped those God-forsaken bleachers and had gone home and showered and taken tylonol and washed my face. I laid in bed in some sort of twisted aggony, whispering your name as if just by wishing for you you'd appear besides me, and hold me in your arms and stop my shivering in my cold, lonely, empty, jail cell of a bed.�