2011-10-08 � A severe case of anxiety
I am stressed beyond belief. who knew having a bazillon dreams could do this to you?

Mom's making me apply to yale, even though I just want a nice little school near home. also, about a billion people need to write refrences for that, so i'm going to get about a billlion and one people going "Uh, you know you're not making it in, right?"

that's annoying.

I have a severe case of "oh my god, i'm not good enough."

I've been complaining to Mr. PWJ about it recently, and he's like "anna! stop freeking out!"

I can't stop freeking out. it's this applying for endless colleges, scholarships, and whatever else.
also, chasing boys.
also, trying to look nice.
also, cheerleading. shall we not even get started on cheer?

so. i'm going insane.

how was your day?

Love, Anna
