2011-06-24 � College, Boys, Dreams, and Family (Or, The Way My Idols See It)
My aunt and uncle have two very cool things going on right now- a cousin finaly home, whom I hang with, cook with, and (finally)am able to talk with.
the other is what comes with that cousin- another terribly smart college boy, who is spending the summer and first semester.we shall call him "New Cousin".

Not to mention, my aunt and uncle are my aunt and ucle- unbelivebly cool, collected, eloquent, wise, and well-educated.

I'm finally old engough and mature enough to talk to these guys, hold their attention, and not just in that kid way (an "oh-aren't-you-just-adorable?" and fake smile), or that adolecent way (featuring conversations i can not grasp which drift away from me like dandelion seeds on the wind).

And the big convo now? is furthering my education.

"College, college, college!" we blabber to eachother. "Admissions! essays! Mojors, programs, destinations! Decisions, decisions, decisions!"

but the "decisions" bit is actually a "decision" bit, as in "Pick our school!" and "all other schools are inferior."

"I mean, why would you bother with any other school?" cousin asks. "Angry* is the best school in the state, the Midwest, and most of the west and south as well."

"It's true," tempory cousin nods. "I mean, if you got into Yale or Harvard, then, yeah, it'd be a tougher decision. but otherwise?"

"No contest," my aunt and cousin insist.


But here's the thing: I have recieved enough college papers and brouchers and letters in the last 3 years to wallpaper my entire house. That's not even counting the daily emails from universities and colleges and tech schools and scholarship agencys. without following any links, i could print off those emails and use them to make a line stretching all the way from my home to my school, which is 13 miles away.
I'm a smart, talented, active girl with a good head on her shoulders and endless potential- this means i'm in high demand.

With the exception of Angry, naturally. They've sent me papers- a ten-page booklet. And they've sent me emails!- one. Nevermind that i needed to go online to request that booklet, and the email was in confrimation of my effort.

It's like a boy- if he's not into you, you cool your jets, check out all those other options that are following you around with puppy-dog eyes, insisting that they need you.

And those options are there. they're there in numbers vaster than i could have ever imagined. One option is a beautiful school, with an affectious spirit, high, storng acedemics, and a program that may be right for me.

Angry's got all that too.

But what's wrong with a fantasy about somewhere where the program is maybe better suited to my needs?


And another thing, while i'm at it.
What makes everyone think they should (and can)hate on my ex? one moment it's sophie, then it's the alien, then it's koll, then it's the aunt... all of them saying he's a loser, his balls are non-existent.

Trust me, he is very much intact, and filled to the brim with charm, tetestrone, and a winning streak.

He's not the guy for me. Yeah. And he's nowhere near mr fantastic amazing boy, eighter.

But he was mine, he was fine, and i cared for him.

and when you knock him, you knock me, my judgement, my ability to choose and obtain a mate.

So please. Knock it off.

Love Anna

*Obviously, a fake name for a school.
