2011-04-26 � Restless
It's good. A good score. Something to be infintly proud of.�
Something that I want everyone else to be proud of. I mean, I'm so proud. I want to retake, to be even prouder, but this is something fantastic.�
So please. Don't trivalise it.�


I feel like spreading some romantic optimism, but I'm worn out with writting romance. I'm not thrilled that this stupid boy likes me. I'm not thrilled that I don't know how to address it.�

I just.... I want to be thrilled.�

I'm fasinated by triangle boy. I wish I was able to take him up on that coffee date. I wish that he is as fasinated by me as he says.�

I hope I'm forever done tilting at windmills. �
I hope it's time for me to just find the man I'm going to love. �

I just... I'm ready to do something with my life
