2010-12-21 � A Weekend Affair.
All weekend, his eyes meet mine, and we do that smile thing. it's kinda like we're both in on a little secret: he kinda likes me, i kinda like him. And we both know it. it's a nice sort of attraction; calm, slow, safe, gentle. the kind of attraction that doesn't mess with my head. The kind of attraction that can go eighter way. the kind of attraction that is sweet, comfortable.

His eyes will just find mine, grab mine. and we'll both just look at each other a moment, share one of those knowing smiles. I'll show you just two photos.

i am walking accross the mat in my lovely uniform. he is talking to my uncle the coach, just the very man i myself am looking for. Uncle Coach leaves after telling me we have lost. But HE talks to Tess and I for a while. "I could wrestle 135" i muse. He reaches out, puts his head gear on my head, lines the muffins up with my ears, careful not to muss my hair. "Does it suit me?" i ask jokenly. he nods, thoughtfull smile. "you look good." After a moment, i take it off, hand it to him. he examines the glitter that has rubbed off of my hair and stuck to the straps. "You made it pretty." he says. "Now i'm going to get glitter on my head and i don't know if guys will try to pin me or make out with me."

He looks at me when he says "Pretty." and i think we both know that we both know why.

Photo Two: math class. i'm plugged into the wifi on my beloved ipod touch, standing one foot on the ground the other bent at the knee, resting on my chair. i'm barley paying attention, and jump when he touches my muscular muscalr gastronemuis and turns me so he can pass between my desk and mr. Roses's desk. i slip into him, our heads touching at the temples.
and suddenly i feel that jumpy butterfly feeling. The kind of feeling that he sets aside moments later with one of those gentle smiles.

Which is my very favorite kind of feeling.

Quote of the day: "Mom... i want a nice boyfriend." "You can't date anyone out of school... then you're just setting yourself up for faileure." "Are you kidding? mom... if i date any of the guys at my school i'm setting myself up for failure." *mom laughs* "Besides. i dont plan on finding mr. right till i'm in collage. for now i just want someone beautiful to chase and love me."*

*That i can chase and love just as much.
