2010-12-09 � grades and music and cheer and clothes and wrestling and losing- something better
And over a week later, you're still stuck in my head. I don't like that feeling: of having someone in my head, someone who I'm so confused about. Someone who I'm quite sure barley even likes me as a friend. Someone who probally likes already- taken-�Leah.�

And I'm so desperate to have you desireing me. So desperate. And I don't know how to make that happen.�

In my head, when I add up what I know about you, though, admittedly it's not much, you seem like a suitable mate. Especially since you have a singular charm, one that's not so obvious, so dangerous. I like how much passion you put into things. Like your music. It makes me think that you'll understand how much passion I put into my own.�

And I'll probaly look back on this entry and cringe. "god," I'll say, "didn't I see that I was once again trying to make something out of nothing? That I was trying to fly with just tar and a handful of bird feathers?"�

The answer is yes. I see that. I think it's just that this has been a terrible week, and it's barley started. I think I just need to think of something other than grades and music and cheer and clothes and wrestling and losing and think about that last nagging thing on my mind, instead. I guess I just thought I would write it down. Just in case.�
Six word memoir: my favorite part? The coustume change.�
