2010-11-22 � Clean and clear.
In the eternal words of The Boss: Without you I'm a drummer girl that can't keep a beat. Ice cream truck on a deserted street. I'm waiting on a sunny day..

Thought I should clarify: i'm not going to become a nun. I'm just saying that i'm not going to go around living the relationship life, stressing about having a boyfriend. And i'm going to do my best NOT to have one. Why? Cause they take up a lot of time. Time I don't want to waste.�
Aka: I'm still going to go on dates, flirt, socialize, all that. I'm just not going to go about doing that stupid thing us high schoolers tend to do: fall in lust, make like all of a sudden I know everything in the world and every guy MUST want me if HE does, decide I'm going to marry a guy that is a complete prat...
In truth, I DON'T know everything there is to know about love, boys and everthong else. Quite frankly, I don't think the majority of people I know do, even the ones that got it right.�
I think, secretly, (this is my diary, after all) that I know quite a bit more about love and relationships than most of my aquantiences, at least how NOT to go about doing it. And I hope that, one day, I'll know about doing it right, which I think (secretly again) is basically all my friends know-if that. And I hope that that's all they ever do know... a sucessfull love. Hell, there's worst things than not having all those "love experiences"- first heartbreak, first douche-bag, first idiot, first peice of scum, the one that got away...�
But they do teach you things, those boys.
Important things.�
That I think people do miss out on learning.�
But let me assure you: the things I know about love are next to nothing, so don't be offended. Don't stress about it, worry that you're the person I don't believe in.�
But don't be so quick to tell me I'm wrong, I don't know a single thing about it.
Because I actually do. ��
