2010-10-19 � Description of dance
I know I know I know. I update often enough that you're probaly wondering if i've dropped off the face of the earth.�
Well... No I haven't.�


I'm just angsty suddenly. (why is it that I only write in here while I'm angsty????) I know this is getting a little repetice for you Leah, but for everyone else's (and my own) sakes, I'm going to say it again.�
Class dues are $20. We had a fundraiser, of which 40% of the procedes go back to our class. I sold $147 worth of stuff to my immediate family. That brings $58.80 to my class. Wbove and beoynd, right? Right.�
When did they stop awarding over-acheivers? Cause it happened: now I have to add $20 to that already high price. That's 80 bucks. And the kids that didn't sell? They have to pay $40. I'm paying twice as much, and that's FOUR TIMES the price that class dues are supossed to be.�

It's bull shit is what it is. I sure can't afford eighty dollars.�

Homecomming in Lucas land was fun. It was me, him and Leah. Plus a guy that looks like TB only cuter and a guy that looked like Oscar only cuter. And five girls that were really sweet and really pretty and NOT BITCHES!!! Horray!!!!
Although the dance itself was a grind-fest. Think orgy plus clothing. With a preist walking around.�

Haha. �Fun fun. �
