2010-09-05 � A girl needs a change.
i'm stressing. i'm mad at you, honeybear. sometimes you can be a real big dick face. i hope you are aware of that.

i mean... i'm going to rant for twenty seconds... ready, go.
okay. you. you're always conplaining. i say "my back hurts, i'm worn out! and you say "not as much as i hurt! I worked harder than you did!" (When, jsyk, i work harder in just a day than you EVER do in like, a week.) i said yesterday something about sports and you say "That's cause us city kids are athletic." and i tell you that we country folk are quite athletic too, seeing as a ton of us spend every moment of our day working our asses off! and you say "um... listen, you lost to the SLOWEST GIRL ON OUR TEAM."
douche move.
i say "I can't come on sunday next week, but we can go to the fair on monday!"
and you won't let me say it. you say "think positive!" and "You WILL come!" and "There's got to be a way!" when my parents have already said no. and then this morning, after i thought that that bull shit was all cleared up you called me and spent 1/2 of an hour (i counted) telling me all these ways that i could come after all (When i didn't even WANT to! and my parents had said no! and what part of fucking "I'm not comming" don't you understand?!) and you tell me to skip working. and blah blah blah. as fuking if. what? just because i can drive you think i live by myself and make my own rules and HAVE NO LIFE?
and then, THEN you tell me that you have your fucking soccer paractice tomorow, so we can only hang out in the afternoon. Well guess what, Baby? i have practice too. and THEN you tell me to skip that. you know what? it is fucking essential for me to be at practice, or we can't stunt. and i like practice! and we only have two a week! and i need to go!
you have like ten a week, AND you hate your coach (don't get me started on that) AND you've been benched because of your sturborness ANYWAY! "you need to go to your practice too." bull shit, baby. bull shit.
and here's how the end of that phone convo went:
Me: *Coughing attack*
You: "you should get better."
Me: "I'm trying! it takes a bit."
You: "maybe you should go to bed."
Me: "Is that what you want?"
You: "I want you to feel better."
Me: ...
You: ...
Me: "Fine then. night baby."
You: Bye!
phone: *Click*
bastard. normaly, you're trying to stop me from hanging up. and when i say "Night" you say "NOOO!" or, if i've gotten past your stourbenness, you say "Goodnight. I Love you" and i say "I love you too." and one of us says "To the moon and back." and then it's good night and goodbye.
but no. you had to impress that bitch in the room with you. whom you talk about all the time and i've never met.
(I am insanly jelous. i know i said i wasn't the jealous type, but, having given it some thought, i am. and you use that against me! that actaully really hurts my feelings.)

okay. that was more than twenty seconds, but i needed to get that out. sorry.

last night i was hanging out with Jamie and Nikki and Lena and Sophia and Koll. and then i ran into Hay, and he was with a boy, and i waved at him and then the boy made Hay come back and say to me "How much does a polar bear weigh?" to which i look flustered and reply "I don't know!" and he says, cool as a cucumber "Enough to break the ice. Hi, i'm Hay." and his friend says something about him ruining the whole thing and smiles shy at me and waves and they run away.

i see them later and the boy actually falls off a bence waving at me when i wave to Koll and Jam. i laugh, cause he's funny and really cute.

eventually, i invite Hay and The Boy to come sit by us. his name is Zach. he likes all the girls, but espicaly me. actually, just me. with mild intrest in Sophie and major intrest in me. and BOOM. i want him to desire me. i want him too because i desire him as well. and really that's the best way i know how to make guys friends with me. i mean, my best friends that are guys eighter desire me or we act like we desire eachother. and that's all i know.

but God, is he funny. he makes me laugh all night.

Honneybear, make me laugh again. i love you. i need you. but you're becoming lazy. i miss adventure. i miss when we would have fun. and mostly i mis when you would make me laugh.

Quote of the day: "Put some SOUTH in your MOUTH!"
(Get it?)
