2009-08-09 � Acting To Live....
I realized why I love this so much, why I sit through shit ass bucket of fuck (sorry, that�s something me and Sophie came up with) practices all summer for 12 hours of stage time.

It�s for those three hours where you can forget who you are and escape your life and it�s the only time I�m alive, completly and truley alive, during play time.

I love all the people I worked with this summer, and I had so much fun.

�Kisses on your opening!� "Auld lang Syne" "so sweet and sad..." "it's about friendship" "and not forgetting" "and telling storys in an old barn...." "Should old aquantence be forgot and never brought to mind"

ah yes, here�s a poem I wrote earlier this year about this feeling you get closing night�..

The end

The last time
I�ll step on stage
For a long time
The last words
I�ll speak
With everybody: my fav cast
The last time
Nervousness will eat my insides
For a short time
The last hopes
That I�ll have for a while
The last time
My hair will be curly
Without question


Even though it feels like
The end of something great
It�s also the beginning of
A set of footprints
Moving forward
And yet,


It�s ironic, but I wrote this before Cody stepped into the romantic part of my life, though I was trying to fight my attraction to him. And I love how hauntingly familiar and true this all rings.

Quote of the day: we could build a home, trees all around, a fish pond, a garden, a fountain and more. and I�ll bring you a fish, a dead fish for your fish pond.
Song of the Day: �Lie to Me� By Me.

Mood I�m in: Buoyant.
