2009-04-26 � Day after (Prom Silly) *
I just want him to stop messing with me, because I�m sick of playing.

Any-hoo, prom was yesterday. I was gorgeous, everyone was. When I stepped in the door, I was already hearing about Jennifer�s transformation. (Comes in later.)

But we all had so much fun. Kay-Kay was there, as we�ve already covered. Cody was crowned Prom King, and Kollette was very impressed with my choice in men. He was there with Alley. (We bonded, but once again� LATER)

Anyways, Kollette started telling me that I HAD to introduce her to Cody. �Truth is, Anna, I�m actually a little jealous. I mean, wow!�

So we went out into the lobby after the crowing ceremony, following Cody. He was just talking to some people, and then When there was a break in fans, I called him over to where Kay, Shelby and I were standing, since I was taking their picture. He smiled at me, and then wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned against me. �Cody,� I said, letting the edge of my mouth smile, �I�ve been told I HAVE to make some introductions, so: This is my cousin Kollette, Kollette, This is Cody.�

�Nice to meet you, Kollette,� he says, reaching over to shake her hand.

She giggles. We talked for a bit, and then she says �Well, I HAD to meet you, since you�re ALL Anna talks about!� In that second, I wanted to strangle her, but Cody didn�t hear her. Thank the Lord.

And then, later, we ran into each other on the dance floor, and he promised me a slow song.

Well, when the next one rolled around, he was dancing with Alley. Okay, that�s okay. I mean, she is his best friend and date.

So for the next slow song, I found him dancing with this curly, dark haired girl. For a moment, I thought she was Cassy, but then almost walked into Cassy. Then they kept holding hands, even for the fast songs. And he made sure to dance less then six feet away from me and Koll and Shelby and Leah. I could hear him singing every word with the song, like I was doing. And I heard him talking to the Beautiful haired girl, like he talked to me at the sweatpants dance. I left. In the middle of the next song, when I heard him laughing at a joke she had made. I hid in the bathroom, and there was Alley.

She was dabbing at her eyeliner.

�Hey, what�s up?� I asked.

�My date totally dumped me,� she says.

�Who was��

�Cody. Ugh! I can�t believe him! He�s to busy for me, dancing with Fucking Jenny.�

For the life of me, I couldn�t place the name with the girl. �You know what? For a boy who complains all the time about how many girls he�s got flocking after him, he sure doesn�t do much to lower the number.�

�I know, right? But you know what? Screw him. This is MY junior prom, I�ve got a great dress, I�ve got my friends out there, so who needs Cody? Right girl? We can go on without him.�

I realized then that she must have figured me out. �Yeah. Lets get out there and dance!�

But I ended up crying once I got into the car to go home, and now I�m just pissed.

Quote of the Day: Do you hear that beeping noise? ~My sister, Sophia, when encountered with an awkward phone convo.

Song I�m Listening to: Oops, forgot to turn on my music.

Mood I�m in: Crap.

*i stole the tittle for this from Paul.
