2009-02-28 � Free Fallin'
Went and saw Twilight this evening. Do you remember when we went there together? Do you?

I was fine. I was absolutely fine, thank you.

Until the Last scene. Well, really, the end credits. It was the music that triggered you. All the rest of the music in the movie I own. I listen to it all the time: it means nothing to me. Except for the song on the end credits. When it started playing, I was sitting in my seat, but suddenly, behind my eyelids, you were standing in front of me, in the aisle, a step down, we were almost the same height. You looked at me and smiled a little, but you looked sad.

�I�m leaving now.� You said, and then you reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, letting your hand rest for a second longer on my cheek.

�Good-bye.� I said, feeling my lips starting that smiling thing that I have such a hard time controlling when I see you.

�Bye� you say, smiling in response. Then you turn, and you�re walking away with Paul�

�Anna?� Rachel calls.

�Anna?� My little sister is saying, standing in front of me. �Are you okay?�

�Yeah,� I say. �Um, give me a sec: Emo B. Ha, told you this would happen.�

�It�s okay.� She says, then takes my hand and stands me up. �You can do this, Anna.�

And so I do. I stand up and I walk out, leaving that smile of yours behind me.

Quote of the Day: And I�m free, I�m free fallin�
